Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Dalian bokkstore

I asked him, who was a Chinese member of the same project, to take us to a bookstore in Dalian because I would like to buy children's books for a souvenir. The store was a large building just like a Japanese big bookstore Kinokuniya in Shinjuke, or Maruzen in Umeda, and had a lot of books. They wrapped items not at the chasier but at the special counter, it was the only difference.

I heard there were few books written about Japan in China. Eventually, I didn't checked that because I searched for books for children. I also saw the stack of books written by Jiang Zemin, which a Japanese newspaper reported about it in those days. My guide said that he didn't want to buy it and laughed. Was that a usual attitude in China, I wondered.

Honestly speaking for Chinense economy, ' Does they keep it ? ' is my concern. After checking in a hotel, I couldn't get out of my room because the doorknob inside dropped down. I saw there were tall buildings along the streets and high-tech park area was very wide and clean. On the other hand, people supporsed to be from a country, sat down along the roads.

They said Dalian was the Chinese sightseeing area. I read the articles Lushun restricted area was lessened. I would like to visit again, for sightseeing.

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